Thursday 13 December 2018

Heal Your heart

Who is mine?

It is very important to know who is mine. Isn't it? What is the way to find out the real existence of the reality? Ever thought to know this ultimate truth? Who is mine!!

Let's find out, all the time we say, I am your's or hear you are mine to every close one, almost everywhere...or we feel it...but as time moves, different faces of people we come to know, and we get disappointed that i am alone or i chose a wrong person to trust. Negativity attracts our mind, and we become victim of our own negative thoughts. Think for a while, what hurts you?that person? their behavior or your unfulfilled expectations?

 Put a question mark on it?? What actually is hurting you? Think deeply you will get your answer, and now put another question on it. who has the power to change it, control it? Of course if you have that control then change your thoughts by sitting peacefully.

 Remember! You are a masterpiece...Not an ordinary one!! YOUR own thought is your best friend and at the same time your own thoughts are your own enemy, and you have choice in every single situation to choose who is your's.

 There could be two vision, from the first one you can see the world is made up from same substance with different shape or size, in that case everything belongs to you! at the same time you may see everything from their outer existence which is temporary and an illusion, in that case what you are facing now will face always, the bitterness of mine and your's.

 EXPLORE the unshakable truth to enjoy the beauty of "who is actually your's".

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